Sunday, February 13, 2011

This mom has been tormented by Derry NH judges since 2007.

Welcome to the Derry NH "Family" Court where if you and your children are being abused and/or neglected by their father, you will be left penniless, in some cases homeless, and, most likely, childless. The goal of the court is the same as the father's rights groups in our state: "take everything away from her, the house, the assets, the kids, everything and get rid of the wife (or girl friend), just say she is crazy." Judge Michael Ryan (who is now in Nashua) and Judge Paul Moore have no ethical standard at all. They have ignored compelling evidence including two Guardian Ad Litem reports, neuropsychological reports, all court-ordered therapists, witnesses (both professional and those familiar with my family), DCYF reports, police reports, and the custody evaluator. They have exercised complete gender bias against me (woman) and my children and we are suffering terribly.

I have been fined and found in contempt of court for following court orders!

My evidence I have given at every hearing is compelling and has been completely disregarded. I have written to Justice Edwin Kelly at the State House. He recommended I file a complaint with the Judicial Conduct Committee. I did that. They said the judges have done nothing wrong. It turns out they are friends of the judges! (Another woman abused by the court told me that.) I wrote to Justice Kelly a second time explaining the problem with the Judicial Conduct Committee. He suggested I file and appeal and get an attorney. The court has financially, emotionally, and maternally "raped" me. How do you propose I hire an attorney or file an appeal on my own? Seriously now Justice. Justice Kelly is fully aware of the abuse of power these judges are wielding against women and children. This is not justice. This is a totally unfair dictatorship with no rules.

I had been a stay-at-home wife and mother since 1998. I am not employable. I am in school full time and will not graduate until May 2011. I have been fined by the court a number of times to pay for my former husband's attorney's fee. I have not been given substantial alimony and at the moment it is $250.00 per month. At the time my former husband planned his divorce he was making $25,000.00 per month! It took him only 3 years to suck me dry. He is now making about $500,000 a year and only showing he makes $90,000. I am expected to some how survive.

As for my children, two have reported abuse through DCYF interviews. Both assualts took place while in the care of Dad and Dad admitted to both assaults happening which is also documented. The results-- my punishment from the judge for reporting the assaults was to take the children away from me, give Dad full custody, and I am limited to 9 hours per week. Dad continues to abuse the children. GAL John Cameron testified that he observed the children afraid of their Dad. He told me he is very concerned for the long term mental health of my children being place with their Dad. So am I.

I just had another hearing in January 2011. This time judge Moore accused me of parent alienation. Me! They are not even with me except for 9 hours! His court order contains only evidence from my ex-husband and none of it actually has to do with alienating him! I am the one who is alienated. My children have been cut off from all their family, all their care-givers, their school, and their activities. They are the ones being alienated. My evidence was completely ignored as if I weren't even there. Not only that, parent alienation is not even part of any law. I was fined again. This judge has now threatened me in the court order not to file anything else.....This judge has removed the children from this sane and safe mom and handed them over to a long-time, well-documented perpetrating, violent, Dad.

In my letter to Justice Edwin Kelly I wrote that I hold him responsible for the lives of my three children. Their Dad will eventually do something horrendous to them, if not kill me as he has threatened to do numerous times.

If you love your children and are currently trying to protect them from their father, move while you can, get out of NH or stay where you are and take the abuse. Do not go into court for help, you will be abused more by them than your current perpetrator. Once they are taken away from you and handed over to their violent father, you will not able to protect them any longer. Batterers rule and run NH courts. They are accountable to no one. Mothers and children have no rights to safety in Derry Court. There are many women they are abusing, not just a few. They are an embarassment to the world. There is no justice in Derry "family" Court.


  1. Monique, my name is Sierra Shattuck. I am going to make changes. I am trying to get as many people together as I can, if you know any others tell them who I am and get them in touch as well. Please contact me as soon as possible at (407)304-9044 (my cell). God bless you for your struggles, I feel your pain and have suffered greatly as well. We WILL fix this, we just need to all come together.

  2. It is time to let NH know about corrupt judge Paul S. Moore

    Do your part.

  3. Hello,

    I am Father who has suffered and still suffers under Judge Moore. He throughs law to the wind, very biases and infact is quite insulting from the bench. He destroyed my family. I would be interested in joining any movement to correct this type of injustice.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Walter destroyed your own life with drugs and alcohol. Let's not blame a judge! You currently owe $101,000 in child support arrearages and don't know your children! You don't know birthdays, Christmases, graduations or any other single item that is to do with parenting. Stop blaming the courts, the syem and everyone else for your failures!

  6. PLEASE HELP ME! I am a Judge Paul Moore victim. I was left homeless, penniless and ordered to pay my ex-husband child support when he makes 3 times as much as I do!

    Please email me at
